
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Team Sarah vs Team Mom

The other day Sarah was running her mouth; nothing new, right.  Well, she started saying that she could out market me and get more sessions than me.

Those of you that know me know I love a good challenge.  So guess what?  -----  IT IS ON!

From now till the end of April, it is Sarah against Mom.  The one that gets more people to book a session between now and the end of April gets the title of Chief Marketer. Plus, to make it really interesting we have waged a little bet.

If I, and I will, get more sessions booked (aka WIN!!!!), then not only do I get to have bragging rights, but she has to keep her clothes organized “my way” for six months.  Now if by some fluke Sarah wins, then she will get something based on how many sessions she gets booked.  Minimum is $25 and she could earn up to an iPod Touch.

So how can you help me win and keep Sarah’s clothes neatly organized (those that have seen my closet and drawers know this is a big deal to me)?  Simply join Team Mom!!!! And of course call to schedule a session or get a friend to schedule a session.  When you call be sure and let me know you are part of Team Mom so I can get credit for the session.

Now the rules state I must let you know that if you want Sarah to win then you need to join Team Sarah (boo boo boo) and let me know you are part of Team Sarah when you call to schedule your session. 

Other things in the rules: no baby club session counts for either team and no session already scheduled counts for either team.  Sessions must be booked by April 30th and must occur by June 30th

So, let’s hear it for Team Mom!!!!  

Team Sarah vs Team Mom – It is on!

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