
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Good morning sunshine

I'll admit I am a morning person.  I love getting up and spending time alone in the early morning and watching God's beauty as the sun rises.  I call this time "having breakfast with God."

It seems these days I have fewer and fewer opportunity to have breakfast with God out in His wonder.  Yesterday, I got that chance and was able to go spend some time at sunrise in a friend's sunflower patch.

Needless to say I loved it.  I started my photography out photographing our beautiful world.  Any chance I can get back to my roots, I just love.  These times seem to charge my batteries more than any thing else.

I have posted more images on the facebook page, so go there and enjoy them.  Then find some time for your alone time and recharge your batteries.

1 comment:

  1. I'll admit I am a morning person. I love getting up and spending time alone in the early morning and watching God's beauty as the sun rises. I call this time "having breakfast with God."
