
Friday, November 7, 2008

Internet Safety

Below is the full article from the most recent newsletter from Courtney Wright on internet safety. Boy do I need this right now with Sarah. Thanks Courtney for writing this for all of us. Oh if you did not get a copy of the newsletter that I just mailed out and you would like to have one; let me know and I will get one in the mail to you. - Thanks Denise


The internet is an important part of everyday convenience. It is a great tool for sending and receiving information. With this convenience comes risk. We teach our children to beware of strangers, but we don’t always teach them the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the web safely. There are computer and internet programs available to preschoolers. Internet safety is a lesson that should be taught the first time a child sits down in front of a computer. So you may be asking, “How do I protect my child from cyberspace when he/she may know more about it than I do?” Our role as parents is ever-changing with the era and with our child’s development. We will use some of the same parenting techniques when dealing with cyberspace as we do with the real world.

Internet Safety Tips:
1. Stranger Danger- We must teach our children that anyone whom they do not know in real life is a stranger no matter how long they have chatted online.

2. Surfing the web is like wandering around- nothing good will come of it. There needs to be a reason for their internet use, and the time should be limited. People, not computers, should be their main source of contact.

3. Do not tell people personal information. You never know with whom you are talking to online. Just because the person says she is a twelve year old girl, does not mean it is true. The person could be a forty-five year old man. Inmates have access to internet and chat rooms.

4. Privacy- It’s not invading their privacy if strangers can see it.

5. Know their online friends- talk to your child about where he goes online and with whom he talks.

6. Don’t do or say anything online that you would not do or say in real life.

7. Keep the computer in a public area like the family room.

8. Teach them never to meet an online friend in real life unless you are with them.

9. Make rules and post them by the computer as a reminder.

10. Explain to your children why you have these rules. There are predators out there who prey on young children online using grooming techniques (gaining trust through progressive contact such as chat room-instant message-e-mail-phone-person; asking them to keep their friendship a secret; and sending pornographic images). Remember all victims of internet predators do not chat with their perpetrators; they may just expose too much information in chat rooms.

The most important aspect to keeping your children safe is to be involved and know what they are doing on and off line.

For more information on this topic, please go to

Courtney S. Wright- Professional School Counselor

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