
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is the day we set aside to show our thanks for all the wonderful things we have and to spend time with those we love. Well I have too many things that I am thankful for to list here. I am so thankful for all that the Lord has provided me and my family everyday and not just one day a year, but I'll admit I do like the food today. I am especially grateful for all of you and having each of you in our lives. You have become part of our family.

Be safe in your travels and enjoy your time with your families. I hope you have a very wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Girls With Attitude

Madelyn and Hayley definitely know how to have fun. As you can tell from the images here, they know how to show a little attitude too; good attitude of course. The images of these lovely young ladies are from a recent session of theirs at the studio.
Madelyn is really growing up to be a beautiful young lady. I have a feeling some boys’ hearts are going to be broken in a few years.
I just love this image of Hayley. It shows her attitude and sweetness all at the same time.

Monday, November 24, 2008

New/Old Friends

It is weird how when you talk on the phone with someone for the first time that it seems like you have known them forever and then when you actually meet them it really does seem like you are long time friends. That is the case with this family. Erica, Jeff, Aubrey and Jackson came in for a family portrait session and for Aubrey’s one year portraits. They wanted to preserve this time in their family now that Aubrey is one. During the session I found out why they seemed like old friends; I use to work with Erica’s mother. What is the old saying; the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree… is that it??? Oh well you know what I mean. They are a super sweet family and we had a great time during the session. When we were done with all of the family portraits and Jackson had lost interest in us. We had a blast doing some portraits of Aubrey. I think I have me another buddy to play with when they come to the studio.

Santa's Visits

Santa had a wonderful time with all of the boys and girls that came by to see him at the studio. After everyone left, he just kept talking about how good all of you are and what a treat it was to get to talk to you and not just check in on you when you are sleeping on Christmas Eve. He wanted me to tell you to still be good for your mommy and daddy and that he will see you again in about a month.

Here are a few of the images from the kids visiting with Santa.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Those Blue Eyes

Okay I have final proof; kids grow up too fast. Ava came in recently for a session and she is growing up into a beautiful young girl. It seems like yesterday that she was here going through the baby plan.
Don’t you just love those blue eyes? Ava was a perfect model for the session. Like I said, this beautiful baby is growing up into a beautiful young girl.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Turkey Tips

I don’t know about you, but I am ready for some turkey, cranberry sauce, dressing and pumpkin pie…ummmm. Wish my turkey was thawed out. I would start cooking tonight. Well I was just told about a neat website by Butterball Turkey that lets you put in the lb of your turkey and it tells you exactly how long you need to thaw out your turkey or how big of a turkey you need for your hungry family and even how long to cook it. There are some other cool tips there too to help make this Thanksgiving dinner a tasty one. Here is the link:

Here is a special tip though that you will not find on that website. My special secret to a tasty turkey (also works on chicken); I occasionally coat the turkey with honey. That’s right; several times through out the cooking I pour honey all over it. Honey and herbs are my secrets to a tasty turkey that everyone loves.

Save me the wishbone…

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Valdese Relay For Life

This past year I have had the pleasure of working with Tami and the team involved with the Valdese Relay For Life. I was able to photograph the different events through out the year and here is a slide show of the images of those events. Here is the link:

Hope is the theme for the 2009 Relay For Life. Plans are already being made to make this coming year's Relay an exciting event and here are some dates of important events:

December 18th 7pm Old Rock School - Meeting

January 15th 7pm Old Rock School - Kick Off!!! - food, fun, fellowship, and find out how you can be a part of the Relay

February 19th 7pm Old Rock School - Meeting

March 19th 7pm Old Rock School - Meeting

April 2nd 7pm Old Rock School - Meeting

April 6th Survivor Dinner - Please contact Tamela Mosteller at 704-472-6709 or for more information. If you are a cancer survivor or if you are battling cancer now, we would love to honor you with HOPE! Please join us!!!

May 22nd-23rd Valdese Relay For Life

The Relay holds a special meaning to me and I am glad to be able to support it in any way I can. I am looking forward to the events in 2009. I hope you will join me in doing whatever you can to help with the Relay. Together, we can turn our HOPE into REALITY!

Chicken Dinner Benefits the Kids

On Friday, November 21st from 11am till 7pm (or until they run out of food), the will be a chicken plate fundraiser for Kidway at the Evangelical Methodist Church in Rutherford College. This fund raiser will benefit children ages 2 through the 5th grade.

For just $7 you will get a plate of Jerry Davis's Famous Chicken, a 1/2 chicken deep fried in your choice of three flavors (plain, mild or hot). You also get baked beans, cole slaw and a dessert. Not a bad deal and it helps out the kids.

I am going to try to go by and grab a few plates myself. Hope to see you there.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Willis Family

The Willis Family came in for their annual family portrait recently. I have had the pleasure of getting to know and photograph them since Zander was just a baby. As you can tell they are major Tennessee football and Peyton Manning fans. I just love their matching jerseys.
When Zander is around, you never know what he’ll do next, but you always know you will have a great time. He keeps us laughing.
We did get a chance to sneak in some time just for mommy and daddy while Zander was over next to me at the camera. Thanks for the help Zander in getting this image!

Facebook Fan Page

Just set up a fan page for the studio on facebook. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Parenting Tips Links and Information

This blog entry has nothing to do with photography or the studio. But after reading Courtney's article below; I thought this would be something to post. I found some resources that I wanted to share with all of you parents and those giving gifts to kids this holiday season that might be helpful.

The first is, specifically they have posted the 2008 National Parenting Publications Award (NPPA) Winners. Here is the link: . On this page you can look to see what toys, games and even websites have been judged good for kids of different ages to use. I was glad to see some of Sarah’s favorite websites on the list.

I also found a blog that is for parents of tween and teens. This is perfect for the parents of our Doodlebug Club and the Kool Kidz Gang (oops details to come later). The blog is Here you will find helpful tips and information on improving your kids grades as well as TV’s impact on your kids. In fact, this blog lead me to the NPPA winners listed above.

As a mom of one of the kids growing up way too fast I know we have to stick together in this, so I just had to share this information.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Internet Safety

Below is the full article from the most recent newsletter from Courtney Wright on internet safety. Boy do I need this right now with Sarah. Thanks Courtney for writing this for all of us. Oh if you did not get a copy of the newsletter that I just mailed out and you would like to have one; let me know and I will get one in the mail to you. - Thanks Denise


The internet is an important part of everyday convenience. It is a great tool for sending and receiving information. With this convenience comes risk. We teach our children to beware of strangers, but we don’t always teach them the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the web safely. There are computer and internet programs available to preschoolers. Internet safety is a lesson that should be taught the first time a child sits down in front of a computer. So you may be asking, “How do I protect my child from cyberspace when he/she may know more about it than I do?” Our role as parents is ever-changing with the era and with our child’s development. We will use some of the same parenting techniques when dealing with cyberspace as we do with the real world.

Internet Safety Tips:
1. Stranger Danger- We must teach our children that anyone whom they do not know in real life is a stranger no matter how long they have chatted online.

2. Surfing the web is like wandering around- nothing good will come of it. There needs to be a reason for their internet use, and the time should be limited. People, not computers, should be their main source of contact.

3. Do not tell people personal information. You never know with whom you are talking to online. Just because the person says she is a twelve year old girl, does not mean it is true. The person could be a forty-five year old man. Inmates have access to internet and chat rooms.

4. Privacy- It’s not invading their privacy if strangers can see it.

5. Know their online friends- talk to your child about where he goes online and with whom he talks.

6. Don’t do or say anything online that you would not do or say in real life.

7. Keep the computer in a public area like the family room.

8. Teach them never to meet an online friend in real life unless you are with them.

9. Make rules and post them by the computer as a reminder.

10. Explain to your children why you have these rules. There are predators out there who prey on young children online using grooming techniques (gaining trust through progressive contact such as chat room-instant message-e-mail-phone-person; asking them to keep their friendship a secret; and sending pornographic images). Remember all victims of internet predators do not chat with their perpetrators; they may just expose too much information in chat rooms.

The most important aspect to keeping your children safe is to be involved and know what they are doing on and off line.

For more information on this topic, please go to

Courtney S. Wright- Professional School Counselor

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Santa Sessions This Saturday

Santa stopped by the studio for a brief visit today. I grab a quick image of him while he was pondering just how good I have been this year. I keep telling him I have been really good.

He is excited about seeing all of the girls and boys this Saturday. He is looking forward to seeing each of you and hearing what you all want this year. He is bringing a special gift just for each of you and has requested a copy of the portraits of him and each of you that we will do.

There are still a few time slots left to meet with Santa and have your portrait made. So have mom or dad call me at the studio; 828-397-6055 and we will save your time with Santa.

Session fee is $20 and we have special packages just designed for Santa portraits.

Don’t forget your list for Santa!

Monday, November 3, 2008

How Well Do You Know Me?

I just found out about this. You don't have to take the whole quiz, just question #4.

So how well do you know me?