As most of you know school is out today for the snow. At least through out a good portion of North Carolina. Sarah is at home having fun, but I am not able to be there with her to enjoy it. I am in Raleigh with my second family at the Professional Photographers of NC Convention (
I love coming here every year to get to meet all of my old (
hehe) photography friends and to talk with them, laugh and of course eat (we all love to eat). But also to learn from some of the best photographers from across the nation.
PPNC is known through out the country for having one of the best conventions every year with a line-up of speakers packed with talent. I will blog more about this later.
Right now I am getting ready to go take my Certification exam. It is at 1 today, so everyone send me good vibes. I have been fighting a cold for a while and still struggling with it, but I am rested and I think ready for the exam. I just hope I don't start second guessing my answers and change them. I have a
tendency to do that when I take exams.
Sarah is getting a big laugh out of all of the studying I have been doing and the fact am having to take an exam while she is playing in the snow. Well when the warm weather returns I'll get her back.
Let's since I am stuck in here and not able to get out much to play in the snow send me some images like the last time it snowed and a little story and I'll post them on the blog.
Throw a snowball for me,