Oh I hope you all had a funny, safe and Happy Halloween. As you can see Sarah dressed up as the Bride of Frankenstein, with her typical attitude. We had a wonderful time out trick or treating tonight. We went by the fire department and then to our church where I got to meet Obama and Palin; both trying to bribe us for our votes with candy. Talk about a house divided they were giving the candy out of the same car trunk...
I wish I could have seen all of you all dressed up. I wonder what kind of spooky ghost and goblins each of you were. I had a great idea of letting each of you post your Halloween images here for all of us to enjoy and so I can all of my little buddies all dressed up, but there is no way you can post your own images here yourself. I can though. SO send me your Halloween images and I will add them to this entry. Send me the file and a short description and I will
make you a post and show off your awesome costume.
Everyone enjoy your candy, but remember not to eat too much at one time. I have a little one that already has a tummy ache from eating too much. See each of your soon and don't forget to send me an image and a short description. We will have so much fun seeing how many trick or treaters we have here.
Send your Halloween images to put Halloween Blog in the subject line so I can get them posted right away.
Take care,